Sprout New Roots

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Pinch Me!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! Whether you’re Catholic or Irish or Irish Catholic, or none of the above-you probably partake in some kind of Paddy’s Day festivities! We certainly do in New Orleans! Any excuse to celebrate and have fun, and our city is there! So before you head out to your green party of choice, we just wanted to leave you with a green juice Cheers! and an Irish blessing!


(celery, parsley, ginger, broccoli stems, handful of spring mix salad greens, and sweet potato)

May you always have…
Walls for the winds
A roof for the rain
Tea beside the fire
Laughter to cheer you
Those you love near you
And all your heart might desire.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



Erin Go Green! Veggie Parade!

Hey y’all! So this past weekend was St. Patty’s Day! I always welcome the opportunity to wear a festive color in my wardrobe! While I didn’t wear green on the actual St. Patrick’s Day, I did wear a green shirt to work the day before…intentionally…so that counts right? Right! I thought so! I’m not Irish (although I’ll assume my first name of Kelli will get me at least into the door)-but I have always been drawn to the Irish heritage from the accent to the music to the heart and soul of it-pure love from me.

Anywho, New Orleans is a fun place to be for St. Patty’s Day weekend. We have the Irish Channel parade on Saturday-which is in Uptown, Nola. And we have the Louisiana Irish-Italian Parade on Sunday in Metry. We didn’t get a chance to make it to the Irish Channel parade uptown due to other things we had going on (Jason played golf while I laid in the sun in my mom’s back yard with my sister watching my pups run around and swim). We did, however, make it to the LAIT parade on Sunday which is just 2 blocks down from my mom’s house. It was really nice and fun! We laid out a blanket and just hung out as the parade passed. Well, mostly Jenn and I hung out–everyone else ran to the floats for throws that included cabbage, carrots, onions, lemons, oranges, heads of garlic, potatoes, and even some apples and bananas! We guarded the loot as our mom, step-dad, and Jason all kept running back and forth from the floats to us delivering the goods. We felt like veggie goddesses guarding our domain! It’s been a few years since we have gone to this parade and the last time we did, we didn’t quite appreciate vegetables as much! For one, we didn’t appreciate the pure awesomeness of FREE food! And, secondly, we were vegetarians-but ones who didn’t eat vegetables like we do now. The Irish Channel parade also throws vegetables as well, FYI. Anywho, here are a few pictures from the day!

Mom, me, and Jenn with our fancy loot! And some Cabbage!

Jenn and I.

And finally, a very colorful display of our booty! (haha)

Erin Go Bragh! (or Green!)

By the way, we are on Pinterest! Come follow us! (http://pinterest.com/sproutnewroots/)